How Read Write Learn for Success Came to Be
Getting started was not easy as there were many mountains to climb, and we are still climbing them. Getting information out to the community, schools, and to parents has been a monumental job. The world has not seen this kind of confusion on a worldwide level in our lifetime, and it has been challenging. We have seen so many things happening to our homes, schools, jobs, grocery stores, and so much more. As I mentioned before, if these things affected us as adults, giving us stress, worry and anxiety.
Having us concerned as to what tomorrow will bring, the next day the next week, or even the next month. Imagine what has gone through the minds of our children. There was a heading in a Time Magazine called “The Lost Year,” under the heading was this article entitled, “How the Pandemic Changed a Generation of Students,” by Katie Reilly. This article put a sad new reality that now exist in our schools. Students who thought they would get into a college on athletic scholarships, may not! In my own family, my grandson, who is an outstanding runner, lost
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